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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - shell


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Перевод с английского языка shell на русский


1) электронная оболочка

2) ядерная оболочка

3) корпус; кожух; футляр; капсула вчт.

4) оболочка (напр. операционной системы)

5) командный процессор (напр. command.com в DOS)

6) командный язык shell (для UNIX)

7) символ

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См. в других словарях

  1) обшивка; кожух; оболочка; корпус2) гильза; стакан; насадная деталь, пустотелая насадная деталь3) обойма4) щёки (блока)5) вкладыш (подшипника)6) наружный тор (рабочей полости)•bearing shellbimetal shellbody shelldiskframe shelldrum shellexpert system shellintegrated reasoning shellsplit bearing shell ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • 1) снаряд; 2) оболочка• обстреливать ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  crater воронка от снаряда SHELL egg натуральное яйцо (в противоположность яичному порошку и т.п.) SHELL off шелушиться SHELL out  а) mil. выбивать огнем артиллерии;  б) coll. раскошеливаться How long do I have to go on shelling out for the boys education?  в) amer.; coll. дарить (небольшие подарки) детям, ходящим по домам в канун дня всех святых (31 октября) I think Ill buy fruit this year to shell out when the children come round. SHELL suit noun костюм из тонкого нейлона SHELL  1. noun  1) скорлупа, шелуха  2) оболочка; корка  3) раковина  4) панцирь, щит (черепахи)  5) остов; каркас  6) гильза (патрона); патрон; трубка (ракеты)  7) артиллерийский снаряд  8) гроб  9) tech. обшивка; кожух  10) pl. sl. деньги  11) amer. шелл, гоночная восьмерка  12) attr. имеющий оболочку - shell egg to come out of ones shell - выйти из своей скорлупы, перестать быть замкнутым, стеснительным to retire into ones shell - замкнуться в себе, уйти в свою скорлупу  2. v.  1) очищать от скорлупы; лущить  2) лущиться, шелушиться  3) обстреливать артиллерийским огнем - shell off - shell out ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. раковина snail shell —- раковина улитки 2. скорлупа; шелуха shell egg —- яйцо (в отличие от яичного порошка) chickens in the shell —- невылупившиеся птенцы as a writer he is still in the shell —- как писатель он еще не вылупился из яйца 3. кожура; створка (боба) 4. панцирь, щит (черепахи) 5. черепаха (материал), черепаховый рог shell hairpin —- черепаховая шпилька shell button —- обтяжная пуговица; черепаховая пуговица 6. оболочка, личина to be a mere shell of smth. —- быть лишь оболочкой чего-либо his humbleness is a shell for his ambition —- смирением он лишь прикрывает свое честолюбие 7. "скорлупа", некоммуникабельность; скрытность to go into one's shell —- уйти в свою скорлупу, замкнуться в себе to come out of one's shell —- выйти из своей скорлупы 8. каркас (здания); остов (здания, корабля) the shell of a plan —- костяк плана 9. длинная женская блуза без рукавов и воротника; жилет 10. ам. шелл, гоночная восьмерка 11. гроб 12. геол. земная кора (также earth shell) 13. геол. тонкий твердый прослоек 14. тех. кожух; оболочка; обшивка 15. тех. обечайка 16. тех. корпус 17. тех. стакан, гильза 18. тех. вкладыш (подшипника) 19. эл. юбка изолятора 20. физ. оболочка 21. редк. чешуйка (рыбы) 22. сл. деньги 23. ам. малый пивной стакан 24. кул. ракушка (фигурное печеное изделие) pastry shell —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  "Шелл" Сеть бензоколонок компании "Шелл ойл" Shell Oil Co., г. Хьюстон, шт. Техас ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) раковина; раковинка 2) панцирь, щит 3) капсула, оболочка 4) скорлупа; кожура 5) моллюск – acorn shells – apple shell – auger shell – awning shell – bird shell – blacksand shell – boat shell – butterfly shell – cameo shells – cap shells – carrier shell – coat-of-mail shells – conch shells – cone shells – deepwater pearly shells – diaphanous shell – dipper shells – disk shell – ear shells – elephant-tooth shells – file shells – flood shells – granular shells – helmet shell – horn shell – jingle shells – lamp shells – lantern shell – miter shells – moon shells – nut shells – obelis shell – olive shell – papel shells – peapod shell – pearl shell – pompano shell – rice shells – rock shell – salt-marsh shells – screw shells – slipper shells – slit shells – spoon shells – tooth shells – top shell – tortoise shell – velvet shells – Venus shells – volcano shells – wedge shells – white shell – wing shell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  оболочка (пользовательский интерфейс) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) баллон 2) вышелушивать 3) вышелушить 4) колба 5) корпус 6) налущивать 7) насадный 8) оболочечный 9) оболочка 10) оболочковый 11) очищать от скорлупы 12) раковина 13) раковинный 14) раковистый 15) ракушечный 16) скелет 17) скорлупа 18) скорлупка 19) скорлупный 20) слой 21) снаряд 22) черепаха 23) юбка изолятора core of a shell transformer — сердечник трансформатора броневой fill an electron shell — заполнять электронную оболочку grab bucket shell — челюсть грейфера shell of a house — коробка дома - approximate shell - atom shell - axisymmetric shell - backing shell - base shell - boiler shell - commutator shell - condenser shell - convex shell - cubical shell - cylindrical shell - explosive shell - guy shell - homeoidal shell - inner shell - large-span shell - magnetic shell - pierced shell - pressure shell - quasiprime shell - shelerter shell - shell casting - shell model - shell mold - shell molding - shell of revolution - shell reamer - shell tap - spherical shell - teat cup shell - tight shell - toroidal shell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) командный процессор (о программе) 2) командный язык (ОС UNIX) 3) программа-оболочка 4) кабельная оболочка 5) каркас, корпус – cable shell – connector shell – magnetic shell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  оболочка; свод остов, каркас раковина; скорлупа; кожура слой; обшивка обечайка shell curved in two directions shell of double curvature shell of negative curvature shell of positive curvature shell of revolution shell of single curvature shell of zero curvature angular shell arch shell band shell barrel-vault shell basket shell cast-in-place concrete shell circular cylindrical shell circular vault shell closed shell cone shell conoidal shell curved shell cylinder shell cylindrical shell dome shell elliptical-paraboloid shell face shell free-form shell hypar shell hyperbolic shell hyperbolic-paraboloid shell imperfect shell membrane shell moment-free shell north-light shell outer shell parabolic shell perfect shell pipe shell rotational shell segmental shell semicircular shell shallow shell spherical shell spherical shell with imperfections structural shell tank shell toroidal shell translation shell umbrella shell ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) оболочка 2) остов, каркас 3) кожух; корпус; обшивка 4) слой отслаиваться 5) оболочковая литейная форма 6) трубная заготовка 7) плена, чешуйка, закат (дефект проката); корка (на слитке) 8) наружная стенка пустотелого кирпича или керамического блока 9) пустотелая насадная деталь; гильза; стакан 10) вкладыш (подшипника) 11) эл. броня 12) юбка изолятора 13) процессор командного языка, командный процессор 14) тара обечайка (резервуара, барабана, бочки) 15) полигр. гальваноотложение 16) швейн. основной [верхний] материал изделия 17) верхняя одежда без подкладки; верхняя одежда с отстёгивающейся подкладкой 18) скорлупа; кожура удалять скорлупу или кожуру 19) шелуха, лузга шелушить, лущить; обрушивать (семена) - shell of revolution - barrel shell - bit reaming shell - body shell - bowl shell - brass shell - buffer shell - commutator shell - composite shell - containment shell - copper shell - cylindrical shell - doubly curved shell - downstream shell - electrode shell - electron shell - entry shell - expansion shell - filter shell - groove-free bearing shell - guy shell - hypar shell - ingot shell - insert shell of diagonal brace - insulator shell - ion shell - large-span shell - lens shell - multibarrel shell - negative curvature shell - pile shell - pipe shell - plasma shell - positive curvature shell - refrigerant shell - rotational shell - sandwich shell - seal shell - spherical shell - tank shell - thin shell - translational shell - tube shell - ungrooved bearing shell - upstream shell ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the hard outer case of many marine molluscs (cockle shell). b the esp. hard but fragile outer covering of a bird's, reptile's, etc. egg. c the usu. hard outer case of a nut-kernel, seed, etc. d the carapace of a tortoise, turtle, etc. e the wing-case or pupa-case of many insects etc. 2 a an explosive projectile or bomb for use in a big gun or mortar. b a hollow metal or paper case used as a container for fireworks, explosives, cartridges, etc. c US a cartridge. 3 a mere semblance or outer form without substance. 4 any of several things resembling a shell in being an outer case, esp.: a a light racing-boat. b a hollow pastry case. c the metal framework of a vehicle body etc. d the walls of an unfinished or gutted building, ship, etc. e an inner or roughly-made coffin. f a building shaped like a conch. g the handguard of a sword. 5 a group of electrons with almost equal energy in an atom. --v. 1 tr. remove the shell or pod from. 2 tr. bombard (a town, troops, etc.) with shells. 3 tr. provide or cover with a shell or shells. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by off) (of metal etc.) come off in scales. 5 intr. (of a seed etc.) be released from a shell. Phrases and idioms come out of one's shell cease to be shy; become communicative. shell-bit a gouge-shaped boring bit. shell company an unimportant firm made the subject of a take-over bid because of its status on the Stock Exchange etc. shell egg an egg still in its shell, not dried etc. shell-heap (or -mound) hist. a kitchen midden. shell-jacket an army officer's tight-fitting undress jacket reaching to the waist. shell-lime fine quality lime produced by burning sea shells. shell-money shells used as a medium of exchange, e.g. wampum. shell out (also absol.) colloq. 1 pay (money). 2 hand over (a required sum). shell-out n. 1 the act of shelling out. 2 a game of snooker etc. played by three or more people. shell-pink a delicate pale pink. shell-shock a nervous breakdown resulting from exposure to battle. shell-shocked suffering from shell-shock. shell-work...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sciell; akin to Old English scealu ~, Old Norse skel, Lithuanian skelti to split, Greek skallein to hoe  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a hard rigid usually largely calcareous covering or support of an animal  b. the hard or tough often thin outer covering of an egg (as of a bird or reptile) — see egg illustration  2. the covering or outside part of a fruit or seed especially when hard or fibrous  3. ~ material (as of mollusks or turtles) or their substance  4. something that resembles a ~: as  a. a framework or exterior structure; especially a building with an unfinished interior  b.  (1) an external case or outside covering the ~ of a ship  (2) a thin usually spherical layer or surface enclosing a space or surrounding an object an expanding ~ of gas around a neutron star  c. a casing without substance mere effigies and ~s of men — Thomas Carlyle  d. an edible crust for holding a filling a pastry ~ a taco salad in a tortilla ~  e. band ~  f. a small beer glass  g. an unlined article of outerwear  5. a ~-bearing mollusk  6. an impersonal attitude or manner that conceals the presence or absence of feeling he retreated into his ~  7. a narrow light racing boat propelled by one or more persons pulling oars or sculls  8. any of the regions occupied by the orbits of a group of electrons of approximately equal energy surrounding the nucleus of an atom  9.  a. a projectile for cannon containing an explosive bursting charge  b. a metal or paper case which holds the charge of powder and shot or bullet used with breech-loading small arms  10. a plain usually sleeveless blouse or sweater  11. a company or corporation that exists without assets or independent operations as a legal entity through which another company or corporation can conduct various dealings  • ~ adjective  II. verb  Date: 1562  transitive verb  1.  a. to take out of a natural enclosing cover (as a ~, husk, pod, or capsule) ~ peanuts  b. to separate the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shells, shelling, shelled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The shell of a nut or egg is the hard covering which surrounds it. They cracked the nuts and removed their shells... N-COUNT • Shell is the substance that a shell is made of. ...beads made from ostrich egg shell. N-UNCOUNT 2. The shell of an animal such as a tortoise, snail, or crab is the hard protective covering that it has around its body or on its back. N-COUNT 3. Shells are hard objects found on beaches. They are usually pink, white, or brown and are the coverings which used to surround small sea creatures. I collect shells and interesting seaside items. ...sea shells. N-COUNT 4. If you shell nuts, peas, prawns, or other food, you remove their natural outer covering. She shelled and ate a few nuts. ...shelled prawns. VERB: V n, V-ed 5. If someone comes out of their shell, they become more friendly and interested in other people and less quiet, shy, and reserved. Her normally shy son had come out of his shell. N-COUNT: usu poss N 6. The shell of a building, boat, car, or other structure is the outside frame of it. ...the shells of burned buildings... N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. A shell is a weapon consisting of a metal container filled with explosives that can be fired from a large gun over long distances. N-COUNT 8. To shell a place means to fire explosive shells at it. The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port. VERB: V n • shelling (shellings) Out on the streets, the shelling continued. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a) a hard outer part that covers or protects a nut, egg, or seed and some types of animal  (a snail shell) b) the shell of a small sea animal such as a cockle or mussel especially one that is lying on a beach 2 a metal container, like a large bullet, which is full of an explosive substance and is fired from a large gun  (We ran for cover as shells dropped all around us.) 3 especially AmE a metal tube containing a bullet and an explosive substance used in a gun; cartridge (1) 4 the outside structure of something, especially the part of a building that remains when the rest of it has been destroyed 5 come out of your shell to become less shy and more confident and willing to talk to people  (She's really come out of her shell since she went to college.) ~2 v 1 to fire shells at something  (Opposition forces have been shelling the town since yesterday.) 2 to remove something such as beans or nuts from a shell or a pod1 (1)  (Josie was shelling peas on the verandah.) shell out phr v informal to pay a lot of money for something, especially unwillingly  (If you want the repairs done right, you'll have to shell out at least $800.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Seabrook Helps Educate Learning Leaders ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sciell, scill, earlier scel, related to O.E. scealu "shell, husk," from P.Gmc. *skaljo "divide, separate," from the notion of a covering that splits off. Military use (1644) was first of hand grenades; shell shock first recorded 1915. Shell game "a swindle" is from 1890, from a version of three-card monte played with a pea and walnut shells. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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